5313: Create Significant Learning Environment 

The Applied Digital Learning Program has been a transformative experience, propelling me from a traditional classroom perspective to a vibrant new landscape of learning. By exploring the concept of "significant learning environments," I've critically examined the limitations of conventional models and embraced the emergence of a learner-centered culture.

This journey has equipped me with powerful tools for curriculum design. Mastering frameworks like Understanding by Design (UbD) and Fink's 3-Column Table has empowered me to craft impactful learning experiences that align with desired outcomes. Additionally, the program has fostered the development of my own personal learning philosophy, guiding me in my quest to create environments that spark curiosity, ignite passion, and empower learners to become self-directed individuals.

New Cultural of Learning

what is a new culture of learning? Join me in exploring its benefits, challenges, and how it impacts the teachers and students.


Click the link below to read more about New Cultural of Learning.

My Learning Philosophy

My learning philosophy is centered on fostering active and self-directed learning experiences through the incorporation of constructivism, behaviorism, and cognitivism theories. 


Click the link below to read more about My Learning Philosophy.

Aligning Outcomes, Assessment and Activities

Fink’s 3-column learning outcomes tables is a crucial tool in designing a course. By incorporating Fink’s six categories of significant learning outcomes – foundational, application integration, human dimension, caring, and learning how to learn (Fink, 2005) – teachers can create a dynamic learning environment that caters to the diverse aspects of students' development.

Click the link below to read more about Aligning Outcomes, Assessment and Activities.

Understanding by Design - UbD

Understanding by Design, or UbD, is an educational framework for curriculum design of a school subject, where planners look at the desired outcomes at the end of the study in order to design curriculum units, performance assessments, and classroom instruction. UbD is an example of backward design, the practice of looking at the outcomes first, and focuses on teaching to achieve understanding. There are three main components: Identifying Desired Result (Stage 1), Determining Acceptable Evidence (Stage 2), and Planning Learning Experiences and Instruction (Stage 3). 


Click the link below to read more about Understanding by Design (UbD).

Growth Mindset Plan

Since the development of my very first plan of implementing a Growth Mindset in the classroom, I have grown so much in appreciation and understanding the importance of having a Growth Mindset, especially in creating a significant learning environments for my learners and the implementation of my innovation plan. 


Click the link below to read more about Growth Mindset Plan.