E-portfolios offer several compelling reasons for use in K-12 education:

Reflection and Self-Assessment: E-portfolios provide a structured platform for students to reflect on their learning experiences, identify their strengths and areas for improvement, and engage in self-assessment. This process encourages metacognition, which is a critical skill for lifelong learning.

Authentic Assessment: E-portfolios provide a means for authentic assessment, allowing students to demonstrate their understanding and skills in real-world contexts. They move beyond standardized tests and promote a deeper understanding of subject matter.

Showcasing Learning Journey: E-portfolios allow students to compile a comprehensive record of their academic work, achievements, and personal growth over time. This provides a holistic view of their educational journey, which can be invaluable for personal development and sharing with parents, teachers, and future institutions.

Digital Literacy Skills: In an increasingly digital world, creating and maintaining e-portfolios equips students with valuable digital literacy skills. These skills are crucial for success in higher education and the modern workforce.

Personalization and Ownership: E-portfolios offer students the opportunity to personalize their learning experiences by selecting the content they include. This sense of ownership empowers students and encourages them to take an active role in shaping their education.

College and Career Readiness: E-portfolios serve as a valuable tool for students to showcase their accomplishments, skills, and personal growth to college admissions committees and future employers. They can help students stand out in the competitive application and job market.
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